

Just as tides ebb and flow, so does technology, bringing with it waves of evolutionary changes and the occasional rogue breaker of innovation.

Computers haven't been around that long; it's a new science, and we're still working to understand what they can do, how best to use them, and how they affect us.

The Tidal Series is a newsletter dedicated to the creation and use of human-centred technology. As we continue to build our digital calculators and write programs that write programs, as we continue to study and build the history of computing, and as we work to build our future ancient computers, we will discover all sorts of interesting things to discuss.

These are some common themes to which this newsletter will return:

  • Electronic computers are a relatively recent invention, and we are still discovering their full potential and embarking on a grand journey ahead.
  • That computers should be invisible, not constantly in our faces.
  • Using technology solely for the sake of technology is not always the most effective approach. As we continue to improve our technological capabilities, we will discover that reevaluating the socio-technical structure is one of the most effective ways to advance our work.
  • General-purpose computers can run any program, and we tend to try to get computers into the right shape and form rather than using them in the right way; perhaps the form doesn't matter at all.

About Me - Curtis Collicutt

I'm working to help organizations do better with technology, from modern applications to Kubernetes, from cybersecurity to artificial intelligence. I'm a firm believer that we're in the early days of computing, that we have a long way to go, and that along the way we'll discover that we don't have to use computers in the ways we do today, that we might be able to make them invisible. I believe we have a great opportunity to create abundance and well-being through our use of computers. We just have to remember back to when we had an open mind!